Best in Specialty Show (Irish Red and White Club of America) 1995
Five Best in Shows (Rare Breed)
Best in Miscellaneous (Multiple)
CKC Champion (2000)
Fourth Irish Red & White to receive Canadian Championship after official breed recognition by CKC
Best Veteran/Award of Merit (Red & White National Specialty, 2004)
Bran earned the required points placing second in the "Top Ten" All Breeds, "First in Rare Breed Sporting Group" and "First in Breed" in 1996 (Rare Breed Club of South Western Ontario)
Bran's Memorial...
In Memory of Can CH Caniscaeli Two Is Bran Dil May 9, 1993 - September 11, 2004 Owned and Loved by Drs. Pat and Albrecht Ua Siaghail
It is with a sad and heavy heart that we announce the death of beloved Bran. He died peacefully with loving arms surrounding him. Bran changed our lives and touched us deeply. He was a lover. He was kind. He was strong and yet gentle. He was a showman. He was our beautiful boy. His passing over the Rainbow Bridge has left a deep void in our hearts.
It was an honour and a privilege to have owned a dog like Bran. He was a once in a life time dog. He was a phenomenon, he was special and he knew it. His chest would puff out as people clapped when he went round the ring; he would push himself a little harder just to show more eloquence in movement. It was as if he was on a mission. He did the work and we just followed. Even as a pup in conformation class he attracted an audience. Bran always drew attention to himself. The instructor would often say to take advantage of the spirit in this beautiful dog as he was destined for greatness in the show ring. Two years later Bran won his first Best in Show ribbon with that very instructor. The spring of the next year he won Best in Speciality in the United States. At OVASA later that same year he took Best in Speciality - he couldn't accept the ribbon, as the breed was not fully CKC recognised at that time. After recognition in 2000 the judge at OVASA said to Bran "you show them what a Setter should look like". We later found out that the Setter that won the Speciality had thirty-five Best In shows.
Bran's show career would sometimes leave us with our head spinning. He loved showing and he loved to win. But there was more to Bran than the show ring. Bran was from the first recognised litter of Red and Whites born in Canada. He was one of the first dogs in Canada to promote the breed. He became a very important advocate for the breed. Literally he met and introduced the breed to thousands of people. We went from hearing "what is this dog - a Brittany" to "is that a Red and White Setter"? One thing that Bran always heard was that he was a spectacular looking dog with a wonderful personality. He would greet people with the same finesse he had in the show ring. He was never shy. With the confidence that he always had he would lean on their leg; his attitude was that of course they would want to say hello and pet him. They in return would receive an enabling kind glance aptly called by Ingle Bepler - "The crowning glory of his race".
At home Bran helped raise many litters of puppies, always allowed to be in the nursery. He was a loving and gentle companion. He loved everyone visiting them with kisses. He introduced many a young dog to the show ring and taught them not to be afraid.
At his last Speciality at eleven and a half years old he amazed those who had not seen his action before. And those who had seen Bran show as a young dog commented on how he had retained his wondrous ability. He loved being at the Speciality, which was to be his last show. He liked to be once again doing what he loved so much, showing. In the final line at the Speciality his children and his grandchildren stood beside him. He will live on through them.
Goodbye to our beautiful boy, you will always in our mind's eye be elegantly and gracefully running between the trees and rustling through the leaves. Thank you Bran for being just you and though our hearts are sore we thank all those who shared your devoted life - the Harrison’s - Chris Cowie - Tally Hill - Christine Schira and the many fine judges who lauded your talents as a unique spirit.
Rath Dé Ort (Blessings of God be on you). At your wake a little Uisge Beatha (water of life - whisky) will celebrate your romp in canine Elysium (heaven). Gra, gean is gnaoí (Love, love, love & love). Slán Abhaile Bran Díl (Come safely home loyal Bran).