The Lord of All, presided over a great meet, wondrous Ceilidhe and celebratory Hoolay, on July 21st 2009, to welcome Canon Patrick Doherty, slán abhail, ad paradisum.
There, to meet and greet, this sagart aroon, (beloved priest), was a veritable litany of Who's Who in R& W Setters, let's say of the last quarter millennium. Midst the haloed host of relatives and ordinandi such as Noble Huston of Eldron and Ballynahinch and Daniel Griffin of Brosna, one spied Eldron associates - Elliott, Killen and Evatt, Beck and Black. Ermined Rossmore, Robinson of Kilmore and Red coadjutors Nash, Walsh, Mulligan and Marron joined the féte.
William and Maureen Cuddy came with a vast retinue of Amici Knockalla to embrace their cleric soul friend (anam chara) and Cohen Kaddish intoning cantors mingled with Te Deum choristers. Replete with tender memories, Harry Brigden, Ernie Steele, Kate Mac Bride, Nancy Nolan, Jimmy lles, Peter Millington and Kenny Gormley pressed close in salutation:
Irish Red and White Setters with hollowed kennel names, Eldron, Knockalla, Sheebhin, Meudon, Autummvood, Glennessa, Coppermoor etc., joined the human amants in that heavenly venue.